
[January 2024] Our paper was accepted to ICLR 2024!
[July 2023] Our paper was accepted to ICCV 2023!
[April 2023] I will be attending UC Berkeley for a PhD in AI funded by the DOE CSGF!
[January 2023] Our paper was accepted to CVPR 2023!
[December 2022] I’m honored to receive finalist status for the CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award!
[April 2022] Our paper was accepted to CVPR 2022 Trusted Computer Vision Workshop!
[April 2022] I am starting as a research intern in the Computer Vision Group at Microsoft Research. Mentor: Vibhav Vineet.
[January 2022] Our paper was accepted to ICASSP 2022!
[November 2021] Our extended abstract was accepted to AAAI-22!
[June 2021] Our paper in collaboration with Erasmus University in the Netherlands was accepted to Microscopy and Microanalysis!
[March 2021] I am honored to receive the Barry Goldwater Scholarship.
[January 2021] I will be participating in the Google Computer Science Research Mentorship Program, working with Boqing Gong.